When ReSharper first introduced CamelHumps to .NET world (and then other tools and Visual Studio 2010 followed), it worked only in Go To Type and similar features. It is very convenient to type just "TMV" and see "TreeModelView" in the list. In previous version of ReSharper we added CamelHumps matching to intellisense and that increased productivity once again. In ReSharper-enabled teams one can often hear people talking abbreviations.
But original style of typing abbreviations has one issue - to much Shift use. Now, with ReSharper 5, it is no longer needed:

ReSharper can recognize CamelHumps and match them to lower case letters. This of course works in completion too:

That tiny feature alone can increase code crafting speed and make you more productive, especially when you have longer descriptive type names.
ReSharper 5 early builds are currently available throught Early Access Program. ReSharper 4.5 purchases made on or after October 15, 2009, qualify for a FREE upgrade to ReSharper 5.0